Gabriel Pelletier – Chair
Gabriel’s substantive position is a Community Programs Coordinator for the City of Surrey’s RCMP Detachment (although he is currently in an Acting Records Manager role for C Watch). He was hired on by Surrey RCMP Support Services in 2011 and joined the community side of operations in 2014, starting first as District Office Coordinator, and then managed a combination of Block Watch groups and RCMP volunteers. He also helped establish the Surrey RCMP’s Project Entry program for easier police access to secure buildings.
Since Gabriel joined the Board at the 2017 AGM, his efforts have mainly been focused on Communications, Community Grants, the Newsletter, and updating Policy. He was elected Chair after the 2021 AGM.
Kimberly Kelley – Vice Chair
Kimberly is Community Programs Coordinator with the Victoria Police Department. She was appointed to the Board in the fall of 2017. Before becoming Vice Chair, she served as the Director of Membership, and has been very active in the building and branding of the Society.
Kimberly has been a civilian with VicPD since 2008 and has worked in numerous positions within the department including the Crime Prevention section, Information Management, Human Resources, Investigative Services, Executive Services and now within the Community Engagement Division, as the Community Programs Coordinator.
Having had the opportunity to work in different sections of the Victoria Police Department has provided her with valuable insight, knowledge and experience that she can apply to the Block Watch Program.
Leah Marlay – Treasurer, Marketing Committee Chair
Leah has been the Vancouver Police Department Block Watch Coordinator for the City of Vancouver since 2008 and has enjoyed a civilian career with the Vancouver Police Department since 1992. During that time, she has held other positions including Planning & Research Assistant and Victim Services Crisis Intervention Worker. In 2018 Leah successfully completed the International Association of Crime Practitioners training.
In her role as Block Watch Coordinator, Leah’s contributions have included producing the VPD’s ‘Krenz on Krime’ YouTube crime prevention series, evolving the Block Watch Captain/Co-Captain training and creating VPD resource websites: Victim’s Guide to Residential Break and Enters and Theft from Auto resources & tips.
In the Committee of marketing Leah is joined by Cst. Deborah Dixon from the Vancouver Police Department. Deborah has been instrumental in helping to update the Block Watch training program which includes a new Block Watch Training Guide for all Captains and Participants, has assisted in creating brochures and resources for our members. Deborah also assists in updating our social media posts and videos.
Melissa Lang – Secretary
Represents the City of Prince George’s RCMP Detachment.
Rita Leung – Board Member At-Large
Rita has been the Block Watch Coordinator with Richmond RCMP since 2016. She has worked in various Community Policing positions during the past fifteen years including Community Programs Coordinator, Victim Services Coordinator, Volunteer Management Coordinator, Crisis Intervention worker and now, the Block Watch Coordinator.
Rita believes neighbourhood safety is a team effort and everyone plays a role. When residents work together and take an active role in preventing and reducing crime, they can build a stronger and safer community.
Celina Dominelli – Board Member At-Large
Celina is the Crime Prevention Unit Coordinator for the Ridge Meadows RCMP, which provides service to the communities of Maple Ridge and Pitt Meadows. She first started her career with the Vancouver Police Department in 2017. During her time with the Vancouver Police Department, she worked in a number of different positions within the Public Service Unit and the Correspondence Unit.
Celina joined the Ridge Meadows RCMP in 2022 and has been the Crime Prevention Unit Coordinator since January, 2023. In her role as Crime Prevention Unit Coordinator, Celina is responsible for the organization, direction and coordination of crime prevention activities and community initiatives in Maple Ridge and Pitt Meadows.
Celina oversees a number of crime prevention activities and programs, including the Ridge Meadows RCMP Block Watch program.
Jamie McLaughlin – Board Member At-Large
Represents the Regional District of North Okanagan.
Cst. James Hooper – Board Member At-Large

Vancouver Police Block Watch is very pleased to welcome Constable James Hooper as the new Block Watch liaison. James has been a police officer with the VPD for 21 years, and has been an acting sergeant in both the patrol and investigations divisions. James’ career highlights include being a part of Vancouver’s 2010 Olympic security deployment, creating the VPD’s Identity Theft Unit, where he was a detective for 5 years, and leading several high profile investigations as a member of the General Investigative Unit where he investigated robberies, extortions and threats. James is also part of the VPD’s social media team (@4Echo13), and conducted two “virtual ride-along’s” while on patrol that resulted in an online audience of more than 100,000 on both nights. James has been the Neighbourhood Police Officer for the Kerrisdale, Oakridge, and Marpole neighbourhoods for the past 5 years, and is eager to continue his community policing role as a member of the VPD’s Block Watch team beginning in April, 2023.
Dawn Virginillo – Board Member At-Large
Dawn has served in several different community policing positions during her more than eighteen years with the Burnaby RCMP. Most of this time has been spent supporting victims of crime and trauma. Dawn joined the newly formed Crime Prevention Unit in 2013, shifting from a reactive to a proactive approach to community wellness.
As Crime Prevention Services Supervisor, Dawn oversees fifteen public safety and education programs, including the robust Burnaby Block Watch program.
Dawn sees Block Watch as key to building neighbourhood-level cohesion and resilience, creating stronger and well connected communities.
Mike Moyer – Board Member At-Large
Mike is a retired RCMP member with 20+ years’ experience in Law Enforcement. He recently switched from being a Bylaw Officer/Safe Communities Coordinator for the RDNO to the Adams Lake Indian Band Justice Manager.
During his years of service throughout British Columbia, his career had a full range of geographical experiences from urban, rural and remote postings, dealing with many aspects of policing such as community policing, Aboriginal policing, gangs, criminal intelligence and investigations related to drugs, criminality and serious crimes. Mike is a trained Media Relations Officer, Mediator, Restorative Justice Facilitator, and DARE Officer who has worked in various schools throughout BC. As a result of his past experiences in policing, Mike believes that well-designed interventions can have a positive influence on behaviours, and crimes can be reduced or prevented by addressing risk factors that lead to offending. Successful interventions have been shown to reduce not only victimization but also the social and economic costs that result from criminal activities.
Government Partners
Ministry of Public Safety & Solicitor General: Keith Ramzan Program Manager
Victim Services and Crime Prevention
Community Safety and Crime Prevention Branch
RCMP “E” Division Liaison: Mandy Abramson, Volunteer Management Program Director Crime Prevention & Program Support Services